An Ultimate Source of Reassurance

May 17, 2020
Sermon 5-17-2020 Sixth Sunday of Easter Text: John 14:15-21 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Jesus’ reassuring words continue today. Last Sunday, we noted that as the disciples faced a time of unexpected events, confusion, and an unknown...

“Do not worry. Trust God. Trust me.”

May 10, 2020
Sermon 5-10-2020 Fifth Sunday of Easter Text: John 14:1-14 Pastor Jean M. Hansen      Imagine, if you will, a time like none other – a time when unexpected events are occurring, a time when it’s difficult to know whose truth is true, a...

The Shelter of our Good Shepherd

May 03, 2020
Sermon 5-3-2020 Fourth Sunday of Easter Text: John 10:1-10 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        “Sheltering in place,” that is a common phrase now, but one that I had not heard until recently. To shelter in place, in the strictest sense, is to...

A Journey Story Retold

Apr 26, 2020
Sermon 4-26-2020 Third Sunday of Easter Text: Luke 24:13-35 Pastor Jean M. Hansen   (Before beginning, encourage listeners to have paper and pen close by, to jot down their responses to some questions we’ll be pausing to ponder today...

You Shall Not Be Overcome

Apr 19, 2020
Sermon 4-19-2020 Second Sunday of Easter Text: John 20:19-31 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        I am blessed! That’s true for many reasons, but one of them is that I’m able to come here to the church on Sunday morning before any of our small “...

Earth-Shaking Good News

Apr 12, 2020
Sermon 4-12-2020 Easter Sunday Text: Matthew 28:1-10 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Years ago, more than 10, I’d say, I told a story on Easter morning of an event that had occurred earlier that week. I don’t think I’ve retold it since then,...
