2025-2026 Tuition Rates
Your first tuition payment is due August 1st, then the first of the month each month through April.
You may pay monthly, annually or biannually (for the first half the year in August and the second half in January).
Here is the tuition breakdown by classes and payments:
Mom, Dad & Me (Turtles) $50/month, $225/half year, $450/entire year
T/Th 3s (Lambs) $200/month, $900/half year, $1800/entire year
M/W/F 3s (Owls) $275/month, $1237.50/half year, $2475/entire year
M-Th 4s/PreK (Dolphins) $325/month, $1462.50/half year, $2925/entire year
M-Fr 4s/PreK (Bluebirds) $350/month, $1575/half year, $3150/entire year
M-Fr 4s/PreK (Bluebirds – all day) $600/month, $2700/half year, $5400/entire year
Faith Preschool operates on a very lean budget and counts on timely tuition payments to cover teachers’ monthly salaries and supplies. Thank you for your prompt payment.
Ways to Make Payments at Faith Preschool
Cash - Envelopes are provided near the metal drop box by the Preschool Office door.
Check - Please make checks payable to “Faith Preschool”. Please put on MEMO line: student’s name and indicate whether payment is for tuition or extended care or both Thank you! This helps with bookkeeping!
Both cash and checks can be mailed to Faith Preschool (address below), given to Dineen, or left in the secure metal drop box outside the Preschool Office door. Please use the envelopes provided for cash and write the name of the student and what the amount is for (tuition, extended care, field trip $) on the outside. This helps with the bookkeeping!
Brightwheel app – We are using brightwheel, a digital program for childcare centers to communicate with parents, manage online payments, and send automatic reminder emails. This one-stop-shop will allow tuition payments and contact from teachers and the director to happen all in one place - on one app on the parent’s phone. Parents who have registered will receive an invitation to join brightwheel and download the app on their phone to begin making tuition payments and receive communication from teachers/director.
Remember: Your first tuition payment is due August 1st, then the first of the month each month through April.
Faith Preschool
2726 W. Market Street
Fairlawn, OH 44333