The Sabbath was Made for and Gifted to Us

Jun 02, 2024
Second Sunday after Pentecost Text: 2:23-3:6 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        It’s not all that difficult to understand why, by Jesus’ time, the keeping of the Sabbath was burdened by rules. People liked knowing exactly what was required of...

Here Am I, Send Me … Maybe?

May 26, 2024
Holy Trinity Sunday Text: Isaiah 6:1-8 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Here is a piece of advice … before being too quick to say, “Here I am, God, send me,” you might want to find out what exactly it is God wants you to do. Isaiah of today’s...

Expect and Rely on the Holy Spirit

May 19, 2024
Day of Pentecost/Confirmation Sunday Text: Acts 2:1-21 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Here’s a fill-in-the-blank exercise for you; please complete these sentences:               On Thanksgiving Day, I/we have ______________ to eat every year...

Standing Against “the World”

May 12, 2024
Seventh Sunday of Easter Text: John 17:6-19 Pastor Jean M. Hansen          On Tuesday evening I had the privilege of participating in the 36th Annual Akron-Summit Holocaust Commemoration during which area middle and high school youth...

No Limits to the Reach of God’s Grace

Apr 28, 2024
Fifth Sunday of Easter Text: Acts 8:26-40 Pastor Jean M. Hansen          On the Sundays after Easter, the first lesson is not from the Old Testament, as is usually the case, but from the book titled “The Acts of the Apostles”, or Acts, in...

The All-In Shepherd

Apr 21, 2024
Fourth Sunday of Easter Text: John 10:11-18, Psalm 23 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Many of you of you can recite Psalm 23, either having learned it in childhood or having heard it often, especially at funerals. It begins, “The Lord is my...
