Home Holy Communion in May


Holy Communion is a community celebration, which is why it usually is only shared when the body of believers gathers for congregational worship. During this time when the family of faith is not gathering in-person, our Presiding Bishop, Elizabeth Eaton, has advised “fasting from Holy Communion” until we can be together again.

However, there is provision for the sacrament, which has been consecrated in worship, to be distributed to those who are homebound. We will be instituting that practice again in May.

During the live-stream service on May 10, Holy Communion will be celebrated by the few people who are assisting with the service. Additional wafers and wine (grape juice) on the altar will be blessed. These elements, and a brief “Service for Communion at Home”, will be placed in “Home Communion bags”- prepared using hygienic precautions - and will be available to share in your homes.

If you wish to receive one of these bags, please call the church (330-836-8811) and leave a message. Your call will be returned, with details concerning picking up the bag. A limited number can be dropped off for those without transportation.

In this way, the Sacrament of the Table is offered in extraordinary circumstances.