Don’t Know? Come and See!

Jan 19, 2020
Sermon 1-19-2020 Second Sunday after Epiphany Text: John 1:29-42 Pastor Jean M. Hansen   You probably have to be of a “certain age” to know the song I’m about to quote. It was the “class song” when I graduated from high school, which I’ve...

Our Identity: God's Beloved Ones

Jan 12, 2020
Sermon 1-12-2020 The Baptism of Our Lord Text: Matthew 3:13-17 Pastor Jean M. Hansen   Did you notice the baptism maps on the bulletin board next to the church nursery, across from the Meeting Room? Quite a few of you have added a pin to...

Love Came Down at Christmas, part 3

Jan 05, 2020
Sermon 1-5-19 The Epiphany of Our Lord Text: Matthew 2:1-12; 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 Pastor Jean M. Hansen   Today we celebrate the Epiphany of Our Lord, a festival of the church that actually is tomorrow, January 6. Epiphany means “the...

Love Came Down at Christmas, Part 2

Dec 29, 2019
Sermon 12-29-19 First Sunday of Christmas Text: Matthew 2:13-23 Pastor Jean M. Hansen   At least three things are odd about today’s readings. First, they are out of order; that which is described in the Gospel reading takes place after the...

Love Came Down, Part 1

Dec 24, 2019
Sermon 12-24-19 Christmas Eve Text: 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 Pastor Jean M. Hansen   Well...that was unexpected, wasn’t it? Oh...I’m not referring to the story of Jesus’ birth I just read; you expected to hear that. What you may have never...

A New Day

Dec 08, 2019
Sermon 12-8-19 Second Sunday in Advent Text: Isaiah 11:1-10 Pastor Jean M. Hansen   It was Advent a year ago, I think, that I was accused of enjoying reading one particular part of today’s Gospel lesson just a bit too much: “You brood of...
