Deliver Us From Evil

Jan 31, 2021
Sermon 1-31-2021 Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Text: Mark 1:21-28 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        A couple of weeks ago, I commented in a sermon that there was something about Jesus that drew people. In today’s Gospel reading, that phenomenon...

We are the Ones in Whom Jesus is Seen

Jan 17, 2021
Sermon 1-17-2021 Second Sunday after Epiphany Text: John 1:43-51 Pastor Jean M. Hansen     SIGH!      What to say; what to say?      There is so much upheaval in our country, and there are so many opinions about that upheaval. Certainly,...

Answer This Question: Into What Then Were You Baptized?

Jan 10, 2021
Sermon 1-10-2021 Baptism of Our Lord Texts: Mark 1:4-11; Acts 19:1-7 Pastor Jean M. Hansen          I had never heard the phrase, "Taking a mulligan" until about 12 years ago when I attempted to learn to play golf – unsuccessfully, by the...

The Wait is Over

Dec 27, 2020
Sermon 12-27-2020 First Sunday of Christmas Text: Luke 2:22-40 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Here we are … observing the First Sunday of Christmas, still a bit disoriented following our unusual Christ Eve (or, at least I am) with Epiphany...

God With Us … on the Phone?

Dec 24, 2020
Christmas Eve Sermon December 24, 2020 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Grace and peace to you on this unusual Christmas Eve. It may be true for you, as it is for me, that this is one of the very few times you have not stepped into the church...

Facing the Curveball

Dec 20, 2020
Sermon 12-20-2020 Fourth Sunday of Advent Texts: Luke 1:26-38 and Luke 1:46-55 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        It is the Fourth Sunday in Advent; how can that be? Christmas Eve is Thursday; the two Christmas Eve services are nearly recorded...
