In-Person Worship Resumes on February 14!!
Live-Stream Option Continues
Building Open for Meetings
We will return to in-person worship on February 14! The service will be at 10 a.m. in the sanctuary and will be live-streamed for those who are not yet comfortable returning in-person. The live-stream service is available at: or
Please note these details/guidelines concerning in-person worship:
- The church nursery WILL be available for children in kindergarten and younger; pandemic protocols of the Faith Preschool will be used in the nursery.
- Mask wearing is required in the building, as is social distancing of six feet in the pews.
- Use of hand sanitizer is encouraged; it will be available at the entrances and in the sanctuary.
- Ushers will assist with seating and will dismiss rows when worship ends.
- The offering plates will not be passed during worship but will be available at the entrances to receive worshipers’ offering.
- Holy Communion will be celebrated on the first and third Sundays using the method developed last summer to assure social distance; explanation will be provided during worship. Home Communion Bags will be available following the third Sunday for those who wish to commune at home. Please call the church office to request one.
- The Welcome Center and Kinship Café will NOT be open; however, the Welcome Center restrooms will be available.
Christian Education for children, youth and adults will continue to be primarily virtual and using the U.S. Mail. However, leaders may plan in-person activities within the building use guidelines.
Building Use Guidelines
- Church and community groups of 10 or less may meet. Large groups may arrange small group meetings of their members, with only one group of 10 or less in a room at any time.
- Gatherings will be held primarily in the Youth Room unless otherwise determined.
- Groups will be asked to wear masks, maintain a distance of 6-feet from one another and wipe down all tables, chairs and doorknobs. Cleaning supplies will be placed in the rooms. The custodian will thoroughly clean ASAP after room use.
- Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrances.
- Contact the church office to reserve your room.