The Power of Rejoicing!

Oct 15, 2023
20th Sunday after Pentecost Text: Philippians 4:1-9 Pastor Jean M. Hansen          It has indeed been a challenging week as our TV screens and devices have overflowed with the terrible news of what the newspaper dubbed “the siege in Gaza...

Giving is Good for Us!

Oct 08, 2023
19th Sunday after Pentecost Stewardship Emphasis 2 Text: Matthew 19:16-26 Pastor Jean M. Hansen          Welcome to Sunday #2 of this year’s Stewardship Emphasis! I hope you experience the fun of Stewardship as you participate in the...

Let Your Light Shine – Let it Shine!

Oct 01, 2023
18th Sunday after Pentecost Stewardship Emphasis – Matthew 5:14-16 Pastor Jean M. Hansen     “Let your light shine – let it shine. Let your light shine – let it shine. Share your talent and your time – stewardship can be divine! Let your...

The Challenge of Grace Upon Grace for All

Sep 24, 2023
17th Sunday after Pentecost Text: Matthew 20:1-16 Pastor Jean M. Hansen          Another Sunday, another parable. Did you notice its vital words of introduction? “The kingdom of heaven is like….” Keep that in mind. Also, here is a question...

An Easy, but Difficult, Truth

Sep 17, 2023
16th Sunday after Pentecost Text: Matthew 18:21-35 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        We who are Christians have being more like Jesus as a goal…although, there are times when we would be relieved to be let off the hook of doing so, and...

Sing Out and then Serve!

Sep 10, 2023
15th Sunday after Pentecost Text: Philippians 2:1-11 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Today is about serving and singing.      It’s the ELCA Day of Service, an event that has been scheduled for the Second Sunday in September for 10 years now....
