One Way becomes Another

Apr 17, 2022
4-17-2022 The Resurrection of our Lord Text: John 20:1-18 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Mary Magdalene is the ONE, she is the focus of the Easter story from the Gospel of John. Well…Jesus, is too, of course…but it is Mary Magdalene on whom...

God's Eternal Power is Love

Apr 15, 2022
"It is finished." These were Jesus' last words. One writer described them as being remakably loud for a man whose lungs were collapsing. Click here to read The sermon.

He Loved them to the End

Apr 14, 2022
Maundy (Holy) Thursday Sermon April 14, 2022 John 13:1-17, 32-35; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Tonight, we heard these words describing Jesus’ last day with his disciples, “Having loved his own who were in the world...

“Those who Sowed in Tears, will Reap with Songs of Joy.”

Apr 03, 2022
Sermon 4-3-22 Fifth Sunday in Lent Psalm 126 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        It is week #5 of the Psalms, and of Lent. Holy Week begins next Sunday, Palm Sunday. As is usually the case, these days have flown by, and even after our weeks of...

“Happy are they whose Transgressions are Forgiven, and whose Sin is Put Away!”

Mar 27, 2022
Sermon 3-27-22 Fourth Sunday in Lent Text: Psalm 32 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        It’s week four of Lent, and also of our focus on the Psalms.      Did you ever consider when it was that the Book of Psalms, located in the middle of the...

Psalm 63: For your steadfast love is better than life itself…

Mar 20, 2022
Sermon 3-20-22 Third Sunday in Lent Text: Psalm 63:1-8 Pastor Jean M. Hansen         Another week … our third with the Psalms. If you also are using the Lent devotional book on the Psalms at home, you may be growing in your appreciation of...
