Summon Out What I Shall Be

Dec 13, 2020
Sermon 12-13-2020 Third Sunday of Lent Text: Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        On this Third Sunday of Advent, for the third week in a row. We focus on the Old Testament reading. Last week we heard a word of comfort during...

In Exile: Here Is Your God

Dec 06, 2020
Sermon 12-6-2020 Second Sunday of Advent Text: Isaiah 40:1-11 Pastor Jean M. Hansen       Exile; it's a word we do not use much in 2020. Exile is prolonged, enforced stay away from one's own community or home and way of life. Today's first...

Preparing to be Jesus in the World

Nov 29, 2020
Sermon 11-29-2020 First Sunday of Advent Text: Mark 13:24-37 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Stay awake! Put on your mask! Stay awake! Keep your distance! Stay awake! Wash your hands! Stay awake! Stay at home! Stay awake! For you do not know...

Choose to Care, to Challenge and to be Challenged

Nov 22, 2020
Sermon 11-22-2020 Christ the King Sunday Texts: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24; Matthew 25:31-46 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        No doubt, the Gospel lesson is familiar to many of you. I know that I’ve given multiple sermons on Matthew 25:31-46, not...

Stepping Out in Faith Leads to Grace Multiplied

Nov 18, 2020
Sermon 11-15-2020 24th Sunday after Pentecost Text: Matthew 25:14-30 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        What if I told you that today’s parable from Matthew 25 is about grace…an abundance of grace…over-flowing grace? You might respond, that is...

Who Can Stand?

Nov 01, 2020
Sermon 11-1-2020 All Saints’ Day Text: Revelation 7:9-17 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        It’s All Saints’ Day – November 1 – a significant day to me because if my Mother was living, today would be her 100th birthday. Once All Saints’ Day...
