Accepting the Challenging Word of Jesus

Jun 25, 2023
4th Sunday after Pentecost Text: Matthew 10:24-39 Pastor Jean M. Hansen          It is indeed good to greet you as I return from vacation and two Sundays off. As is usually the case, I needed a vacation after the vacation since I always...

From the Inside Out

Jun 11, 2023
Pastor Sandy Selby Second Sunday after Pentecost - Year A Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26                           Last Sunday at the 9:00 service, Pastor Jean invited forward five recent high school graduates from our congregation to receive...

In the Beginning…God….

Jun 04, 2023
Sermon 6-4-23 Holy Trinity Sunday Text: Genesis 1:1-2:4a Pastor Jean M. Hansen          In the beginning…God….      That may be all we need to know, really.      In the beginning…God….      We just shared a beautiful piece of ancient...

Holy Spirit Connected Communication

May 28, 2023
Sermon 5-28-23 The Day of Pentecost Text: Acts 2:1-21 Pastor Jean M. Hansen          Have you ever been in a crowd where no one was speaking your language, and you could not understand the language that was being spoken? Even though I once...

What is Next in our Lives of Faith?

May 21, 2023
Sermon 5-21-23 Ascension of Our Lord/Confirmation Sunday Pastor Jean M. Hansen Text: Acts 1:1-11          What is next in our lives of faith? That’s a good question to ask the seven youth who are affirming their baptisms. We celebrate with...

Inheritors of the Spirit, Doing the Work of the Spirit

May 14, 2023
Sermon 5-14-23 Sixth Sunday of Easter Text: John 14:15-21 Pastor Jean M. Hansen          Mother’s Day blessings to all of you! We had an encounter with mothering on Wednesday here at the church, just when I should have been writing this...
