Earth-Shaking Good News

Apr 12, 2020
Sermon 4-12-2020 Easter Sunday Text: Matthew 28:1-10 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Years ago, more than 10, I’d say, I told a story on Easter morning of an event that had occurred earlier that week. I don’t think I’ve retold it since then,...

“I Have Set You an Example…”

Apr 09, 2020
Sermon 4-9-2020 Holy (Maundy) Thursday Text: John 13:1-17, 31b-35 Pastor Jean M. Hansen         A few months ago, the Christian Century magazine invited its readers to submit reflections on “feet.” Now, I thought that was odd, maybe...

All Is Not Lost!

Mar 29, 2020
Sermon 3-29-2020 Fifth Sunday in Lent Text: John 11:1-45 Pastor Jean M. Hansen     Here we are, my friends, in the midst of a “Stay at Home” order by the State of Ohio. And, so, most of you are at home, while just a few of us are here. We...

How is God being Made Manifest in Extraordinary Time?

Mar 22, 2020
Sermon 3-22-2020 Fourth Sunday in Lent Text: John 9:1-41 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        This week I posted an item on Facebook to add some humor to our rather bleak days. It featured a laptop computer and the message, “Reasons to worship...

Knowing and Being Known

Mar 15, 2020
Sermon 3-15-2020 Third Sunday in Lent Text: March 5:5-42 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        We all have a different vision of eternity; one of mine is that it’s where we can most fully be who God created us to be. We see glimpses of that in the...

The Gospel Vaccine

Mar 08, 2020
Sermon 3-8-2020  Second Sunday in Lent  Text: John 3:1-17  Pastor Jean M. Hansen  I wonder why Nicodemus came to see Jesus? The closing verses of today’s Gospel lesson are so well-known that if someone in a crowd has “3:16” written on...
