A Day of Re-creation

Feb 26, 2020
Sermon 2-26-2020 Ash Wednesday Psalm 51:1-17 Pastor Jean M. Hansen   Many of us are familiar with Psalm 51 because we spent years singing verses 10-12 as an offertory. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me...

Hinge Moments

Feb 23, 2020
Sermon 2-23-2020 Transfiguration of Our Lord Matthew 17:1-9 Pastor Jean M. Hansen   We just read about a “hinge moment,” or so say commentator Erica Gibson-Even. She writes that the Transfiguration points to the hinge of our life of faith...

“You Have Heard that it was Said, but I Say to You...”

Feb 16, 2020
Sermon 2-16-2020 Sixth Sunday after Epiphany Matthew 5:21-37 Pastor Jean M. Hansen   Well…I could just say “Amen” and sit down, letting Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount seep into our hearts, minds and souls. I’m guessing if we all sat quietly...

Mix It Up with the World

Feb 09, 2020
Sermon 2-9-2020 Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Texts: Matthew 5:13-20; Isaiah 58:1-12 Pastor Jean M. Hansen   If you have eaten a meal with me, you may have noticed that, after praying, the first thing I do once there’s food on my plate is...

Turning Points

Feb 02, 2020
February 2, 2020 The Rev. Dr. Sandy Selby Faith Lutheran Church The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany 4 Text: Micah 6:1-8   Micah 6:1-8 Hear what the Lord says: Rise, plead your case before the mountains, and let the hills hear your voice....

We Scatter the Shadows

Jan 26, 2020
Sermon 1-26-2020 Third Sunday after Epiphany Text: Matthew 4:12-23 Pastor Jean M. Hansen Some of you may be confused…not just in general … but by today’s Gospel reading, especially if you were here last Sunday when we read in John’s Gospel...
