Sing Out and then Serve!

Sep 10, 2023
15th Sunday after Pentecost Text: Philippians 2:1-11 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Today is about serving and singing.      It’s the ELCA Day of Service, an event that has been scheduled for the Second Sunday in September for 10 years now....

Glimpsing God’s Eternal Realm … Now

Sep 03, 2023
14th Sunday after Pentecost Text: Matthew 16:21-28, Romans 12:9-21 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        It’s good to be back, although, I am thankful for my time at the Chautauqua Institution where basked in the beautiful surroundings, attended...

Jesus is There – Here – for Us!

Aug 13, 2023
11th Sunday after Pentecost Text: Matthew 14:22-33 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Being overwhelmed by water is a scary experience if one does not know how to swim. It happens that I do know how, having taken swimming lessons for years and...

The Hidden Value of God’s Kingdom

Jul 30, 2023
9th Sunday after Pentecost Text: Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 Pastor Jean M. Hansen          Picnic day has arrived! We certainly will miss Art and Sarah’s creative announcements reminding us that this day of fun and fellowship was on the...

The Surprising Harvest of Goodness

Jul 16, 2023
     As least once every summer the Gospel lesson lends itself to me talking about the community garden on the other side of the parking lot. I’ve been among the gardeners for as long as this ministry has been happening, so some years I’ve...

No Burdens for the Forgiven and Free!

Jul 09, 2023
    What is the heaviest thing you are carrying around today? As you trudge, or walk, or skip, or race from day to day, what burdens - physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual or combination of them all - are you carrying?  I would be...
