Let us Walk in the Light of the Lord

Nov 27, 2022
Sermon 11-27-22 First Sunday of Advent Text: Isaiah 2:1-5 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        God longs for peace for the world. As we focus on the Old Testament book of Isaiah these first three Sundays in Advent, that is one of the loud messages...

Seeking a Larger Selfhood

Nov 20, 2022
Sermon 11-20-22 Christ the King Sunday Text: Luke 23:33-43 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Sometimes when I’m editing the weekly bulletin, before it’s printed, I find myself singing the hymns. If it happens to be a hymn I particularly like or...

Enduring Hope

Nov 13, 2022
Sermon 11-13-22 The Rev. Dr. Sandy Selby Text:  Proper 28/Pentecost +23 - Luke 21:5-19                       Yikes!                         With conflict in our nation that was brought to focus in the mid-term elections this week; conflict...

Because God Is, We Will Continue to Be

Nov 06, 2022
Sermon 11-6-22 All Saints’ Sunday Text: Luke 20:27-38 Pastor Jean M. Hansen          “For they no longer dared to ask him (Jesus) another question.” If we had read two more verses, we would have come across that sentence, which I think is...

By Word Alone … By Faith Alone … By Grace Alone

Oct 30, 2022
Sermon 10-30-22 Reformation Sunday Text: Romans 3:19-28 Pastor Jean M. Hansen         Today is Reformation Sunday. I’m guessing that most of you know what that implies, but some may not, or at least may find it difficult to explain, so we...

Use your breath to exhale back to God in praise!

Oct 23, 2022
Sermon 10-23-22 20th Sunday after Pentecost Text: Psalm 150 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Psalm 150 was the one scripture passage Bob requested for today. So, of course, we had to read it. Then, I decided it might be interesting to focus on...
