It’s Not About Me

Sep 12, 2021
Sermon 9-12-2021 ELCA Day of Service 16th Sunday after Pentecost Text: Mark 8:27-38 Pastor Jean M. Hansen          It’s good to be back with you after being away for two weeks. I’m grateful to Pastor Sandy Selby and Pastor Rick Gordon for...

So What?

Aug 29, 2021
The Rev. Dr. Sandy Selby Faith Lutheran Church - August 29, 2021 James 1:17-27               We have spent the past five weeks talking about bread as we have walked through the sixth chapter—the longest chapter—in John's gospel. We began...

Weeks of Bread, #5

Aug 22, 2021
Sermon 8-22-2021 13th Sunday after Pentecost Text: John 6:56-69 Pastor Jean M. Hansen          I think we need a Soul Sensor DX-12.      A what???      I got this idea when a group from FLC went to see the musical Altar Boyz at the...

The Weeks of Bread, #4

Aug 15, 2021
Sermon 8-15-2021 12th Sunday after Pentecost Text: John 6:51-58 Pastor Jean M. Hansen          Let the weeks of bread continue! It is only one more week after today, you’ll be glad to know, since Jesus’ words in John 6 are becoming more...

Weeks of Bread, #3

Aug 08, 2021
Sermon 8-8-21 11th Sunday after Pentecost Text: John 6: 35:41-51 Pastor Jean M. Hansen          Let the Weeks of Bread continue! Indeed, that is what is happening. Each week, the reading from John 6 gets more complicated and our ability to...

Weeks of Bread, #2

Aug 01, 2021
Sermon 8-1-2021 10th Sunday after Pentecost Text: John 6:24-35 Pastor Jean M. Hansen        Let the Weeks of Bread continue! And, that they will, for three more weeks after today, as our focus on the sixth chapter of John also continues...
