Cub Scout Pack 3390

The Pack, sponsored by Faith Lutheran Church, is comprised of Boys and Girls in Kindergarten thru 5th Grade - primarily from St. Hilary and Herberich Elementary Schools. Last year the Pack crossed 18 Scouts into one of 3 local boy Scout Troops. There are currently 34 boys and girls in the Pack. Due to COVID, Herberich has not allowed the Pack into their building. The Pack is very grateful to Faith Lutheran for allowing them to have monthly Pack meeting and occasional Den Meetings.


Scouts BSA Troops 390 (Boys) & 7390 (Girls)

Troops 390 and 7390 are sponsored by Faith Lutheran Church. The Troops have been very grateful to Faith Lutheran for allowing us to continue to have in-person meetings.

Last February, 15 Scouts from Pack 3390 chose to join Troop 390! Current membership of Troop 390 is 31 Scouts, Troop 7390 is 10 Scouts. 

2021 activities included 

  • 27 Scouts attended a week of summer camp at Muskingum Valley Council Camp in Coshocton for the 2nd year in a row. 
  • 2 Scouts participated as day campers at Camp Manatoc the following week
  • Sea Base High Adventure in US Virgin Islands - Two adults and 9 Scouts spent a week sailing a 50 foot boat around the island of St Johns
  • Monthly campouts beginning in March at Camps Manatoc, Butler, Stambaugh, Tuscazoar, and Fort Steuben
  • Special Campouts in August (bike/camp/canoe) and September (Chicigami & Observatory campout)
  • 3 Youth attended NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) Camp during the week of June 13th
  • 27 scouts & family members went to the Medici Museum of Art in Warren, OH to see the BSA art exhibit including several Norman Rockwell Scout related paintings
  • 4 Scouts earned their Catholic Ad Altare Dei religious emblem
  • The Troops attended the VFW Memorial Day Service in Fairlawn

Service Projects are a big part of Scouting. Eagle Leadership Projects required for the Eagle Rank are service projects too. Mark Nester completed his Eagle Scout Project which consisted of building 2 dugouts at the baseball fields behind Fort Island Primary School. For other service projects, the Scouts spread mulch at Faith Lutheran and installed flags on graves of servicemen and servicewomen at the Western Reserve National Cemetery in Rittman. Scouts will also help to light luminaries for the 37th Annual Medina Candlelight Walk.  For the 20th year, The Troops will also adopt a family through the Head Start program to provide them with a Christmas.

Our Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser was held on May 15th and was very successful with both sit down and drive thru options available.

We are proud to be chartered by Faith Lutheran Church and want to express our appreciation to the Congregation. We especially appreciate the support we received from the community at Faith following the passing of Scoutmaster Jim Horvath in August. We are pleased Dale Sroka stepped up to fill Jim’s shoes and the Scouting program continues strong at Faith Lutheran Church.