More Reason to Hope than Meets the Eye

Aug 04, 2019
Sermon 8-4-19 Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Text: Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12-14; 2:18-23; Luke 12:13-21 Pastor Jean M. Hansen More Reason to Hope than Meets the Eye   It happened again, my initial response to today’s first reading from...

Jesus’ Prayer Tutorial

Jul 28, 2019
Sermon 7-28-19 Seventh Sunday after Pentecost Text: Luke 11:1-13 Pastor Jean M. Hansen   What if, out of the blue, I invited one of you to come forward and lead a prayer for the ministry of Faith Lutheran Church, and there was no time to...

Now Do It

Jul 14, 2019
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Text: Luke 10:25-37 Pastor Jean M. Hansen      The story I’m about to tell you probably is being repeated frequently today in Northeast Ohio ELCA congregations. That’s because today’s Gospel lesson – the...

A Harvest of Hope

Jul 07, 2019
The Fourth Sunday of Pentecost Text: Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 and Galatians 6:1-10 Pastor Jean M. Hansen   Whenever I hear Jesus’ words, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out...

Fear Stops, Faith Starts, New Realities

Jun 23, 2019
Second Sunday after Pentecost Text: Luke 8:26-39 By Pastor Jean M. Hansen The people of the Gerasenes in today’s Gospel reading wanted to get rid of Jesus; of what do you suppose were they afraid? The account is clear, when the people in...

In Search of Wisdom

Jun 16, 2019
The Holy Trinity Text: Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 By Pastor Jean M. Hansen I’ve always liked the passage from Proverbs 8 that we read this morning; perhaps because wisdom is depicted as a woman who stands on the heights, along the highways,...
